Wednesday 11 July 2012


Four pairs of footsteps clatter up the spiralled staircase,
Seeds of sound.
Bubbles of laughter and loud conversation seep through the opened windows,
Sprouting happiness.
A halo of light surrounds the pleasant room,
Joy growing.
Occasional clouds of anger encircle the bright spot,
Blossoming hatred.
A soft breeze of cool, fresh air calms the frustrated atmosphere,
Seeding ease.
Four pairs of footsteps descend the spirraled staircase, ready to return,
A cycle so often taking place that it is unseen to most eyes.


  1. I love this! its really well written and desriptive,my favourite part is the 'seeds of sound' its really good!

  2. This is really exciting, I like the idea. You have used lots of description and it makes you feel as if you are really there, well done:)
